You are here: Administrator Help > Security > Application Person Code Table
Application Person Code Table
You can associate users with agencies and logons and manage Exchange synchronization for each user in the
Application Person code table.
Note: Because this code table is used to populate the drop-down list
of case agency persons in a case session, you may want to create agency
records and manage the Agency code table prior to using the Application Person
code table.
Only users inserted in
this code table can be assigned logons or be assigned to agencies. Each active Application Person record with logon credentials that is not specified as a non-client user
uses one of your available licenses. Be careful to not exceed your number of available licenses.
Tip: To check your number of licenses, click Help | About JustWare. If you have more active users than you have Licenses Purchased, consider either deactivating some of your active users or purchasing additional
JustWare licenses. API or JusticeBroker users who do not need access to the JustWare Client may be classified as non-client users, as non-client users do not use a license.
Caution: If you go into SQL Server to add users that exceed your number of licenses, all users will be unable to
access JustWare until the number of active users has been reduced.
Finding the Application Person Code Table
- In the Administrative Tools group of the Explorer toolbar,
click System Administration.
- Select Security | Application Person.
The Application Person code table will be displayed in the Application
Person snap-in.
Tip: To access this code table through the Code Tables link in the
Administrative Tools group rather than the System Administration link in the
same group, click tblAppPerson.
Creating Application Person Codes
Note: If two domains are used in conjunction with JustWare via a two-way domain trust
setup, this will affect how the logons for application persons are transferred.
Users belonging to a group on the same domain that JustWare is hosted on will be
able to be handled as a group or as individual users. Users belonging to a group on
a domain different from the one JustWare is hosted on will be handled as individual
users. Both domains must be mapped in the Domain Map snap-in of Application
Tip: To enable a user in your organization to view financial obligations for multiple collecting agencies and accept payments on behalf of them, the user must be a member of multiple collecting agencies. Add the user to a record row in the Application Person snap-in for each applicable agency.
- Select or type all required and relevant data for each
available field. Some fields may be required while others are not.
Caution: Every Application Person record that is marked as Active, assigned logon credentials, and not specified as a non-client user uses
one of your licenses. The number of licenses currently in use is displayed
at the top of the code table. The total number of licenses purchased and
available for use can be found by clicking Help | About
JustWare from the Menu toolbar.
Deleting Application Person Codes
Caution: New Dawn recommends that instead of deleting application person
codes, you should instead mark them inactive.
- Select the record you would like to deactivate.
- Navigate to the Active check box, and clear the
To delete an Application Person Code completely: