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The JustWare Case Session

Case sessions can record all of your office's cases in a central database. Each case record can be linked to names and other cases and hold all the information about the case that your office tracks.

Case sessions have different views, which spotlight different tasks by including different groupings of snap-ins for your convenience. Each view is specialized to your office workflow.

Searching for a Case Record

Search for a case record using one of the following two methods:

Search only for case records Search for name and case records
  1. Click Case Quick Search in the Search group to open a Case Search Session, identified by a case icon.
  2. Type your search criteria and press Enter or click the search button.
  1. Type search criteria in the Quick Search bar.
  2. Press Enter or click the search button.

Case records matching your search criteria are displayed in a search session.

In general search results, case and name records are both displayed with a case or name icon that appears to the left of each result. Name records matching your search criteria are given higher priority than case records matching your search criteria, meaning they will be listed first in your search results.

Note: If both a related case record and name record are returned in the results of your search, then the case record will be indented under the name record.

Available case record views appear as green hyperlinks below each result. Click the green link to open the case record in that view. If you click the blue case title hyperlink, the case record opens in the default view set for that Case Type in the Default View Settings.

In the case session, verify that the case record is the one you searched for.

Looking Up a Case Record Using a Barcode Scanner 

JustWare's barcoding system is useful for looking up names and cases. When each name/case summary report is generated in JustWare, a unique barcode is assigned to the report. This barcode appears in the top right corner of the report. If a barcode does not appear at the top of your reports, contact your JustWare Administrator to change this setting in the Application Parameters session.

This barcode can be used to automatically pull up the associated name/case session in JustWare. For example, if you were holding a printed case report and wanted to view it in JustWare, you could scan the case's barcode, and the corresponding case session would open in JustWare.

When a barcode is scanned and a name/case session is pulled up, the session will appear in the default view you have set for that particular case/name session. For example, if your default view is set to Notes, the case/name will open in Notes view. If you scan a barcode while a required field is selected, nothing will happen until you enter the required information or cancel the edit. (Required fields are indicated by an asterisk.)

Note: The name/case session will not automatically appear if you are in the Location Assignment session. If you scan the barcode while in the Location Assignment session, the information will populate the fields in the snap-ins rather than bringing up the name/case session. See "Location Assignment" for more information about the Location Assignment feature.

Changes you make to a session may be saved using a barcode scanner. Barcodes for saving the current session are available on the Barcode Masterlist Case and Exhibit Owners System Report. See "System Reports" for more information about this report.

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