Filters provide users with different methods of altering the appearance of documents and images. This allows users to do the following:
The numerous filters are found in a drop-down list by clicking Filter in the toolbar of the PDF & Image Editor. Some of the filter options may not be available depending on the type of document that is open. For example, Invert Text is only available if you have a black and white document open.
To select only one page of a document to have a filtered applied to, ensure that the Apply Filter to All Pages option is not checked, select the appropriate filter, and navigate to the document page to which you would like the filter applied.
The following filters are available:
Using this filter will turn a color image into black and white. Dither refers to the way pixels are displayed, and dithering intentionally applies "noise" to an image. The Dithered filter is best when used with an image, instead of text. The examples below show the dithering filter used on both text and an image.
Before Applying Dithering | After Applying Dithering |
Before Applying Dithering | After Applying Dithering |
Using this filter will turn a color document into black and white. Segmentation partitions the pixels within the image and is used to simplify and/or change the representation of an image into something that is more meaningful and easier to analyze.
Before Applying Segmenting | After Applying Segmenting |
The Contrast filter is used to change the difference in brightness between the light and dark areas of a document. For example, if you set an image to a high-contrast level, there will be more shadows and highlights in the image; light-colored portions will become more light, and dark-colored portions will become more dark. If you set an image to a low-contrast level, the difference in brightness and darkness of the image will be reduced, and a black and white image will become gray throughout.
Original Image | With High Contrast (99) | With Low Contrast (-99) |
The Deskew filter is used to rotate a skewed, or slanted, document so that the alignment is corrected.
The Despeckle filter is used to remove noise, or unwanted variations in brightness or color information, in a document. Noise is often thought of as the graininess of an image. The Despeckle filter removes the noise without blurring the edges of the document.
Before Applying Despeckle | After Applying Despeckle |
The Dilate filter is used to widen and enhance the dark areas in a document. The boundaries of bright objects are dilated, or enlarged, and the boundaries of dark objects are reduced.
Before Applying Dilation | After Applying Dilation |
The Equalize Histogram filter is used to repair under-exposed documents. The Equalize Histogram filter redistributes the brightness values of the pixels to more evenly represent the entire range of brightness levels within the document.
Before Applying Equalize Histogram | After Applying Equalize Histogram |
Before Applying Equalize Histogram | After Applying Equalize Histogram |
The Erode filter is used to minimize the dark areas of a document.
Before Applying Erosion | After Applying Erosion |
Two filters allow you to reorient your document: Flip Horizontal and Flip Vertical. The Flip Horizontal filter flips the image or scanned document along its x-axis, meaning that what was on the left will be on the right and vice versa. The Flip Vertical filter flips the image or scanned document along its y-axis, meaning that what was on the top will be on the bottom and vice versa.
The Grayscale filter converts color images to images with up to 256 shades of gray.
Before Applying Grayscale | After Applying Grayscale |
Black and White vs. Grayscale
It is important to recognize that grayscale images and black and white images are not the same. While grayscale utilizes 256 shades of gray, black and white images only use black and white. Grayscale is typically used to remove the color from an image, while black and white is often used to remove color from a plain-text document.
The grayscale image on the left utilizes 256 shades of gray, while the image on the right uses only black and white.
The Invert filter is used to invert the colors on an image or a document.
Before Inverting | After Inverting |
If you used the invert filter on a document with a white background and black text, then the black text would become white and the white background would become black.
Select the Invert Text filter to change white text on a black background to black text on a white background. This is useful for keeping complex documents consistent. For example, if the header of a scanned document is encased in a black box, the PDF & Image Editor can simplify the header by removing the black box and making the text black.
Select this filter to remove a border from a black and white image. This filter will not work for an image that is not black and white.
Hole punches often show up as black circles on scanned documents. The Remove Holes filter allows you to remove these black circles. This filter will not work for an image that is not black and white.
Select this filter to remove lines from a black and white image. This filter will not work for an image that is not black and white.
The Threshold filter is used to convert a grayscale or color document to a binary, or black and white, document based upon a threshold value. The threshold value is set based upon a pixel intensity value. If a pixel in an image has an intensity value less than the set threshold value, then the corresponding pixel in the resultant image will be set to black. If a pixel in an image has an intensity value greater than or equal to the set threshold value, then the corresponding pixel in the resultant image will be set to white. This creates a binarized, or black and white, image.
Original Image | With Pixel Cutoff of 75 | With Pixel Cutoff of 175 |