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Filtering Data

In this article:

JustWare's snap-ins are equipped with powerful search filters that allow you to navigate quickly to the data for which you are searching.

Each filter drop-down menu contains the following options:


Using Custom Filters

  1. Click the filter button and select Custom.

    A filter dialog appears.

  2. Click Add a Condition to define a parameter for your filter.
    Operator and Operand drop-down fields appear at the top of the dialog box.
  3. Click the Operator drop-down, and select one of the following options:
    Option Description
    Equals Searches for results that match the value specified in the operand.
    Does Not Equal Searches for results that do not exactly match the value specified in the operand.
    Less Than Searches for results with a lower value than the value specified in the operand.
    Less Than or Equal To Searches for results with a value that is less than or equal to the value specified in the operand.
    Greater Than Searches for results with a value greater than the value specified in the operand.
    Greater Than or Equal To Searches for results with a value that is greater than or equal to the value specified in the operand.
    Like Searches for results that contain the specified characters in the operand. Wildcards (*) can be placed at the beginning or end of the operand. For example, if you wanted to find the name "Strashensky" but weren't sure about the spelling, you could use the Like operator and the operand *rash* to only return results that contained the word rash.
    Matches Regular Expression Searches for results that match a regular expression that you define.
    Tip: For more on how to write regular expressions, see
    Starts With Searches for results that start with the letter(s) specified in the operand.
    Contains Searches for results that contain the letter(s) specified in the operand.
    Ends With Searches for results that end with the letter(s) specified in the operand.
    Does not Start With Searches for results that do not start with the letter(s) specified in the operand.
    Does not Contain Searches for results that do not contain the letter(s) specified in the operand.
    Does not End With Searches for results that do not end with the letter(s) specified in the operand.
    Does not Match Searches for results that do not exactly match the letter(s) specified in the operand.
    Not Like Searches for results that do not contain the letter(s) specified in the operand.
  4. Specify the operand you wish to use to filter your results.
    Note: The operands available in the drop-down menu will change depending on the columns you are filtering.
  5. Click OK.
    The filtered results now appear.


Adding Multiple Conditions to a Custom Filter

  1. To add multiple conditions to a custom filter,select Add a Condition.
    Another Operator/Operand row appears.
  2. Specify whether you want the condition to be an And or an Or condition in the top left of the dialog box.
    • And: Specifies that you want the results to meet all conditions specified.
    • Or: Specifies that you want the results to meet at least one of the conditions specified but not all.
  3. Define your operator and operand.
  4. Create as many conditions as you desire and click OK.
    The filtered results now appear.