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Case Payments

This tool allows you to create payments for any case without having to navigate to each individual case.

To access the Case Payments tool, click Payments | Case Payments in the Accounting Tools group of the Explorer toolbar.

Payment Entry Snap-in Header

When the Case Payments tool session is opened, the fields in the Payment Entry snap-in header are empty.

After an entry is made in the Case field of the Payment Entry snap-in and a match is found, the snap-in header is populated with read-only related information, as well as hyperlinks to the associated name record and case record. The returned financial information is for the name record that was returned from the search.

The information returned in the snap-in header can be referenced while recording a payment.

Field Description

The Primary Involved Person name record that was returned when searching for an associated case record. If there is more than one Primary Involved Person name record for the associated case record, only the first Primary Involved Person name record added to the case record is returned.

Case The case record returned from the search.
Case Status The status of the returned case record.
Search Value The value typed in the Case field.
Obligations The total amount of the financial obligation(s), excluding bond amounts, for the returned name record on the returned case record. This amount does not decrease when payments are allocated to the obligation(s). For example, if a $200 payment is received for a $500 obligation, the value of this field remains as $500.
Paid Obligations The total paid amount for the financial obligation(s) for the primary name record of the selected case.
Unpaid Obligations The total unpaid amount of the financial obligation(s) for the primary name record of the selected case.
Pending Bonds The total amount that has not yet been paid on any pending bonds for the primary name record of the selected case.

Creating a Payment Record

Payments that are created and saved cannot be deleted, only voided.
  1. In the Accounting Tools group of the Explorer toolbar, click Payments | Case Payments.
  2. In the Payment Entry snap-in, select or type all required and relevant data for each available field. Some fields may be required while others are not.
  3. Field Description

    Type search criteria for the case record you would like to search for. For example, type a name, a case ID, an agency number, etc. Use either the Enter key or the Tab key to start the search.

    You can use Quick Search functionality, such as a wildcard search, in this field. Remember: Even though you might perform your search using a name, this search field only retrieves case records, and the soundex name search is not applicable.

    After a match is found, the snap-in header is populated with related information and hyperlinks to the name and case records.

    If the search returns a record for which there are no unpaid financial obligations or pending bonds, a recorded payment is automatically allocated to the escrow account and earmarked for the specific case record.

    If the search does not return any results, you may create a case and, if desired, a financial obligation.

    Amount Type the amount of the payment.
    Payment Type Select a Payment Type that matches the format of the payment received.

    After an initial selection is made, this field continues to default to your last selection until you close the tool.
    Reference Number

    This field is provided so you can record and track any number, e.g., a reference number, a check number, a credit card number, etc.

    Notes Type any related notes in this free-text field. For example, use this field to record the type of supporting documentation related to the payment.
    Allocate To Escrow

    Select this check box to have the payment allocated to escrow and earmarked to the case record. The funds are held in the escrow account and are not automatically allocated to a financial obligation.

    Allocating this payment to escrow will place the funds in an escrow account for the name record and not for the listed Payer.

    If there are no unpaid financial obligations or pending bonds, the status of this field is not considered, and the payment is automatically allocated to the escrow account and earmarked for the specific case record.

    Payments of a non-monetary payment type cannot be used for bonds, overpay, or escrow.

    Collecting Agency This field defaults to the collecting agency to which you are currently logged on. Only financial records associated with this agency will be displayed. You can use this field to switch between agencies of which you are a member.
    Received Date

    This field defaults to the current date and time but can be changed if needed. For example, if a payment was taken on a previous date with a handwritten receipt, it can be added to JustWare at a later date with the original received date to maintain data integrity.

    Received By This read-only field automatically populates with the logged-on user.
    Payer This field automatically populates with the returned name record. If you would like to use a different name record, you can perform a Name Search or Name Quick Search to locate any JustWare name record. If the search does not return any results, you may create a name record.
  4. Save the session.

    The payment amount is automatically allocated.

    If desired, repeat the process of entering and saving payments.

Reviewing a List of Received Payments

If you would like to review a list of payments that you have recorded, you can find this information in the Payments Report snap-in. The Payments report displays payments received by the logged-on user and automatically refreshes after every saved payment. By default, the most recent payment is displayed at the top.

Grouping, sub-grouping and sorting options enable you to view the information in the format most convenient to your needs. Payment receipt numbers are displayed as hyperlinks to drill-through reports that show detailed receipts. A hyperlink to the name record is provided for the ease in finding a payment record and updating the Reference Number, Notes or Payment Status fields as necessary.

Remember: The payment is recorded in the Payment snap-in of the name record for the associated case record. The payment is not recorded in the Payer's name record.

This report can also be run to review payments that have been recorded by another member or multiple members of your collecting agency. This option is enabled when the report is accessed outside of the Payments tool session.

This report may be accessed outside of the Payments tool session via either of these methods: