All payments taken in JustWare can be viewed in the Payment History. From the Payment History snap-in, payments can be viewed and voided. Only payments that were taken by the Collecting Agency specified in the snap-in toolbar will appear in the Payment History snap-in. Use the Date Range control in the snap-in toolbar to change the date range that is shown.
From the Payment History snap-in you can void a payment. To void a payment, find the payment in the Payment History snap-in and change the status to Void. Notes and Reference Number can also be edited from the Payment History snap-in.
Other fields listed in the Payment History snap-in cannot be edited but are provided to assist in identifying payment records. The following are fields that are listed in the Payment History snap-in:
Field | Description |
Receipt Number | A hyperlinked Receipt Number that will open the receipt when clicked. |
Payment Status | A drop-down menu that allows you to set the status for a payment. |
Non-Case Payment | A checkbox that specifies whether the payment is a Non-Case Payment, or if it is related to a case. |
Payment Type | Displays the method of payment that was used for the payment. |
Received Date | Displays the date the payment was taken. |
Amount | Displays the total amount of the payment. |
Reference Number | Displays the reference number that was recorded with the payment. This number can be used for a variety of reasons, including check numbers, transaction numbers, etc. |
Payer | Displays the name record that is linked to the payment. On Non-Case Payments this field is not required so the field may be blank. |
Notes | Displays any notes related to the payment. |
Received By | Displays the name of the user that received the payment. |
Collecting Agency | Displays the name of the Collecting Agency that took the payment. |