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Document Quick Search

Document Quick Search allows you to search the contents of documents that have been stored in a name or case filing cabinet. Documents can be searched using keywords, phrases or document titles. For example, if you do not remember the name of the case, but you remember that it involved drunk driving, you could do a search using the word "DUI" or "DWI." Document Quick Search will find all the documents containing those words.

By utilizing Microsoft's Indexing Service, JustWare is able to run searches on any file placed in the case or name filing cabinets. Your JustWare Administrator can configure the criteria that the JustWare Document Quick Search runs on, for example, title, text, date. Any document type can be indexed to allow searching.

Another setting your JustWare Administrator can set is how often the Indexing Service updates, which is usually set up to be updated regularly throughout the day.

The Microsoft Indexing Service needs to do a more in-depth update from time to time. As this takes up quite a bit of memory, it is recommended that JustWare Administrators configure this to run only once a day and at an off-peak time.

Performing a Document Quick Search

  1. To search for a document, click Document Quick Search in the Search group to open a Document Search Session, identified by a document icon .
  2. In the text box provided, type your search criteria.
    Tip: A Document Quick Search can use a wildcard search or quotation marks.
  3. Press Enter, or click the Quick Search button.
    The latest Microsoft searching technology is used to rank the results of your search.

    Each search result is listed with a blue title hyperlink. Clicking this link will open both the actual document in the default program for the file extension and the associated case/name record in the default view set for opening a document hyperlink for that Case/Name Type in the Default View Settings.

    Clicking the green hyperlink for a search result will open just the associated case/name record in the default view set for that Case/Name Type in the Default View Settings.