You are here: Administrator Help > Security > Security Profiles > Creating/Editing Security Profiles

Creating Security Profiles

  1. In the Administrative Tools group of the Explorer toolbar, click System Administration.
  2. Select Security | Security Profiles.
    The tables that work together to create Security Profiles will be displayed on the Security Profiles page. To access this code table through the Code Tables link in the Administrative Tools group rather than the System Administration link in the same group, click SecurityProfilesManagement.
  3. Select the Profiles snap-in.
  4. Add a new record.
    A new screen opens displaying two fields at the top: Name and Description.
  5. Select or type all required and relevant data for each available field. Required fields are indicated by an asterisk.
    • Name: Type a name for the security profile.
    • Description: Type a description that the user will view in the lists populated by this code table.
  6. Save the session.