You are here: Administrator Help > Code Tables > Financial Account Administration > Financial Obligation Type Code Table

Financial Obligation Type Code Table

This code table defines all financial obligation types available. It also controls any default values included in financial obligations of each type. Two other code tables define drop down menus found in this code table, the Agency and Agency Account code tables. Payor and Payee defaults must be agencies in the Agency code table, and Payor and Payee Account defaults must be accounts defined in the Agency Account code table. If you are entering a financial obligation type and an appropriate option is not available in the drop down lists, add the option to the relevant code table.

This code table populates drop-down lists that can be found in the designated snap-ins of the following session types:

Session Snap-In List
Case Financials Type

Finding the Financial Obligation Type Code Table

  1. In the Administrative Tools group of the Explorer toolbar, click System Administration.
  2. Select Code Tables | Financials | Financial Obligations.
    The Financial Obligation Type code table will be displayed in the Financial Obligations snap-in.

Tip: To access this code table through the Code Tables link in the Administrative Tools group rather than the System Administration link in the same group, click ctblAmtDueType.

Creating Financial Obligation Type Codes

  1. Add a new record.

  2. Select or type all required and relevant data for each available field. Some fields may be required while others are not.
    • Code: Type a brief, unique code used to reference the corresponding item description.
    • Description: Type a description that the user will view in the lists populated by this code table.
    • Default Amount: Type the default obligation amount in dollars.
    • Default Collecting Agency: Select the default collecting agency from the list.
    • Default From Agency: Select the default from agency from the list.

      Tip: Only agencies set as account owners, and associated with name records in the Agency code table, will be available.

    • Default From Account: Select the default from account from the list.

      Tip: Only accounts set up in the Agency Accounts code table will be available.

    • Default Pay To: Select the default payee from the list.
      Tip: Only agencies set as account owners, and associated with name records in the Agency code table, will be available.
    • Default To Account: Select the default to account from the list.
      Tip: Only accounts set up in the Agency Accounts code table will be available.
    • Default Due Date Offset (in days): Type the default number of days the due date is offset from the JustWare entry date.
    • Allocation Priority: Enter the priority for the obligation type. This will determine the order in which payments are allocated to obligations that have the same due date. For example, if two obligations with the same due date had priorities assigned to them of 1 and 2, then the obligation with the priority of 1 would be paid first. Any funds left over would be allocated to the payment with the priority of 2.
    • Allocation Percent: Type the percent of payments that you want allocated to the obligation type. This will determine how much of an initial payment is allocated to obligations with the same due date. For example, if a payment has an allocation percent of 50%, then half of the payment will be allocated to that obligation.
    • Notes: Type any related notes in this free-text field.
    • Activation Date: Type or select the date from which the code will be in use.
    • Expiration Date: Type or select the date upon which the code will become inactive.
    • Comparison Date: Select the date type to be used in conjunction with the Activation Date and Expiration Date to determine whether it is currently active or inactive.

      • Today's Date: This is the current date on the client machine.
      • Occurred Date: This is the date the charge occurred. If this date is selected, but the Occurred field is left blank in the Charge snap-in, the Comparison Date will default to Today's Date.
      • Case Received Date
      • Dispo Date: This date is related to the charge-involved person. If this date is selected, but the Dispo Date field is left blank in the Charge Involvements snap-in, the Comparison Date will default to Today's Date.
    • Accept Non-monetary Payments: Select this box to allow this obligation type to be paid off using payments of a non-monetary payment type (specified in the Payment Type code table).
  3. Save the session.