This code table populates drop-down lists that can be found in
the designated snap-ins of the following session types:
Bond Management | Bonds
Finding the Bond Status Code Table
In the Administrative Tools group of the Explorer toolbar,
click System Administration.
Select Code Tables | Financials | Bonds.
The Bond Status code table will be displayed in the Bond Status snap-in.
Tip: To access this code table through the Code Tables link in the
Administrative Tools group rather than the System Administration link in the
same group, click ctblBondStatus.
Select or type all required and relevant data for each
available field. Some fields may be required while others are not.
Code: Type a brief, unique code used to reference the corresponding item description.
Description: Type a description that the user will view in the lists populated by this code table.
Type: Select the correct code from among the
following options:
0 - Pending: For codes that designate bonds set in cases still in progress.
1 - Forfeit: For codes designating bonds that have been forfeited and will not be made available to voucher.
2 - Available to Voucher: For codes designating bonds whose funds will be made available to voucher.
3 - Never Collect: For codes designating bonds that your agency will never collect.
Code Type: Select the correct code type from among the following options:
0 - Do Not Allocate: Indicates that the funds from bonds that are forfeited or made available for voucher
will not be be applied toward any other financial obligations due.
1 - Auto Allocate to Count: Indicates that the funds from bonds that are forfeited or made available for
voucher will first go toward any other financial obligations on that count. Any remaining funds will go
to either the agency's forfeiture account or will be made available to voucher.
2 - Auto Allocate to Count, then to Case: Indicates that the funds from bonds that are forfeited or
made available for voucher will go toward any other financial obligations on that count, then to any
obligations due on the case. Any remaining funds will go to either the agency's forfeiture account or will
be made available to voucher.
3 - Auto Allocate to Count, then to Case, then to other Cases: Indicates that the funds from bonds
that are forfeited or made available for voucher will first go toward paying other financial obligations on
that count, then to any financial obligations due on the case, then to any obligations due on other cases.
Any remaining funds will go to either the agency's forfeiture account or will be made available to voucher.
Notes: Type any related notes in this free-text
Activation Date: Type or select the date from which the code will be in use.
Expiration Date: Type or select the date upon which the code will become inactive.