You are here: Administrator Help > Code Tables > Case Administration > Physical Location Code Table

Physical Location Code Table

The Physical Location code table can be used to create physical location identities, such as buildings or rooms. A hierarchical structure can be set for the physical locations, allowing a larger unit (i.e., a building) to be broken down into smaller units (i.e., rooms).

Specific maximum capacity levels can be set for various physical location units.

This code table populates drop-down lists that can be found in the designated snap-ins of the following session types:

Session Snap-In List
Case Physical Location Physical Location

Finding the Physical Location Code Table

  1. In the Administrative Tools group of the Explorer toolbar, click System Administration.
  2. Select Code Tables | Cases | Physical Location.
    The Physical Location code table will be displayed in the ctblPhysicalLocation snap-in.

Tip: To access this code table through the Code Tables link in the Administrative Tools group rather than the System Administration link in the same group, click ctblPhysicalLocation.

Creating Physical Location Codes

It is recommended to complete this code table beginning with the largest physical location unit. For example, in a scenario utilizing rooms, floors, and buildings, create the record rows for the buildings first, then the floors, and then the rooms.
  1. Add a new record.

  2. Select or type all required and relevant data for each available field. Some fields may be required while others are not.
    • Name: Type a brief, unique name used to reference the corresponding item description.
    • Description: Type a description that the user will view in the lists populated by this code table.
    • Parent Location: This field is used to designate sub-locations with their parent locations. After the first physical location record is saved without a parent location, the Parent Location field of the next created record will populate with a drop-down list containing the first record's location description. Subsequent records will have all other locations available as parent locations. A parent location may be selected from the drop-down list, or this field may be left blank to indicate that a physical location is a separate unit or a unit that it is not a part of a larger unit.
    • Capacity: Type a numerical maximum capacity. This must be a specific number and cannot be a range. For example, you cannot enter 0-25.
      Note: The maximum capacity is based on the smallest physical location unit. Capacities of larger units are calculated based on the smaller units contained within them and should be entered without a capacity. For example, if each room in a building is entered with a maximum capacity, then the building itself should be entered without a capacity because the building's capacity will be calculated by JustWare based on the capacities of all of its rooms.
    • CodeType: Select the correct code from among the following options:
      • 0 - Assigned
      • 1- Temporary
    • MasterCode: Select the correct code from among the following options:
      • 0 - Onsite
      • 1 - Offsite
    • Name Record: This field may be left blank, or you may link a physical location to a name record from the JustWare database. By utilizing a link to a name record, you can access more information about the physical location stored in the name record (i.e., contact information, attributes, etc.). To select a name record, you may use the Name Search or Name Quick Search buttons.
      Tip: It is unlikely that this field will be used for each physical location record. For example, the physical location records for every room in a building may not be linked to a name record, but you may want to link a physical location record for a building to a name record for that building. If the desired name record does not currently exist, you may create a new one.
    • Notes: Type any related notes in this free-text field.
    • Activation Date: Type or select the date from which the code will be in use.
    • Expiration Date: Type or select the date upon which the code will become inactive.
    • Created By: This read-only field will be populated after saving the record.
    • Created On: This read-only field will be populated after saving the record.
    • Last Modified By: This read-only field will be populated after saving the record.
    • Last Modified On: This read-only field will be populated after saving the record.
  3. Save the session.