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Statute Code Table

The Statute code table contains all of your statutes. Statute-related code tables accessed via the Statute Prerequisites link define drop-down lists in the Statute code table. Populate these code tables before entering statutes into the Statute code table. If you are entering a statute and an appropriate option is not available in a drop-down list, add the option to the relevant code table.

The Statute code table is referenced through statute lookups, which are available in statute-related code tables and in the following snap-in:

Session Snap-In List
Case Charge Statute

Finding Existing Statutes

Use the search box at the top of the grid to search the Description fields for all the statutes. As you type, focus will be placed on the first record that matches the search criteria.

When accessed through the Code Tables section of Administrative Tools, no statutes will be loaded when the session is opened. An additional Code and Description search feature is provided on the top of the session. Fill out one or both of these fields and click the search button to return statutes that only match the search criteria provided.

The Statute code table can also be filtered by each column. Use the filter icon on each column header to customize and define the filter that should be applied.

Creating Statute Codes

  1. In the Administrative Tools group of the Explorer toolbar, click System Administration.
  2. Select Code Tables | Statutes | Statutes.
    The Statute code table will be displayed in the Statute snap-in.
  3. Add a new record.

  4. Select or type all required and relevant data for each available field. Some fields may be required while others are not.
    • Code: Type a brief, unique code used to reference the corresponding item description.
    • Description: Type a description that the user will view in the lists populated by this code table.
    • Penalty: Type the standard penalty (e.g., 50 years to life or 3-5 years).
    • Class: Select the class from the list.
    • Severity: Select the severity from the list.
    • Source: Select the source from the list.
    • Charge ID: Type the charge ID.
    • Enhancer/Modifier: This field is only accessible through Administrative Tools | Code Tables | ctblStatute. Type T to include the statute code in the Modifier/Enhancer snap-in. Type F to not include the statute code in the Modifier/Enhancer snap-in.
      Record rows can be added to the Modifier/Enhancer code table directly without using this field.
    • Template: This field may be used to select data to be inserted in a template.
    • Notes: Type any related notes in this free-text field.
    • Activation Date: Type or select the date from which the code will be in use.
    • Expiration Date: Type or select the date upon which the code will become inactive.
      If the setting to show expired statutes is set to "True" in the Application Parameters, expired statutes meeting your search criteria will be listed in statute search results along with the expiration date.
    • Comparison Date: Select the date type to be used in conjunction with the Activation Date and Expiration Date to determine whether the statute is currently active or inactive.

      • Today's Date: This is the current date on the client machine.
      • Occurred Date: This is the date the charge occurred.
      • Case Received Date
    • Category: Select the category from the list.
    • Short Description: Type a short description of no more than 30 characters.
    • StatuteID: This field is read-only.
  5. Save the session.

Copying Statute Codes

A statute record row, along with all of its statute text and statute attribute information, may be copied to create a new statute. For example, if a statute's attribute information will be changing on January 1st, you can do the following:

Statute Text and Statute Attributes will only copy when the copy is made from System Administration | Code Tables | Statutes.
  1. Set the Expiration Date for the existing statute to January 1st.
  2. Copy the statute.
  3. For the new statute, delete the Expiration Date, set the Activation Date to January 1st, and update the attribute information.

To copy a statute code record row:

  1. In the Statute code table, select the record row you would like to copy.
  2. Click the Copy Record button or press Ctrl+Shift+W.
    A copy screen opens.
  3. Enter the number of copies you would like to create.
  4. Click Copy in the Actions group of the Explorer toolbar or press Ctrl+Shift+S.
    The record row is copied, and the copy screen closes.
  5. Make any desired changes to the new statute(s).
  6. Save the session.

Merging Statute Codes

If two statutes are merged in the Statute code table and they both have statute attribute information, the statute that was merged into will display all the statute attribute information for both statutes. The merged information, however, is not displayed until after the session is refreshed.

To understand what happens when you merge two statutes, consider this example where Statute B is merged into Statute A:

It is recommended to review merged statutes prior to executing any statute-related business rules to ensure the intended results are achieved.

Statute Attributes Code Table

The codes in the Statute Attributes code table add another layer of definition to the statutes. For example, you can assign a statute an attribute of "Minimum Sentence (Duration)" and a duration of "2 years."

Adding Statute Attributes Codes

  1. In the Administrative Tools group of the Explorer toolbar, click System Administration.
  2. Select Code Tables | Statutes | Statutes.
    The Statute Attributes code table will be displayed in the Statute Attributes snap-in.
  3. The Statute Attributes code table has a child relationship with the Statute code table. (The correct statute record row must be selected for the accurate addition and display of attributes.) In the Statute snap-in, select the statute record row for which you would like to add an attribute.
  4. Click the Statute Attributes snap-in.
  5. Add a new record.

  6. Select or type all required and relevant data for each available field.
  7. Field Description

    Select the type of attribute you would like to further define. The selection you make determines which of the remaining attribute-related fields you need to complete. For example, if you select an Attribute that has a "Duration" MasterCode, you must complete the Duration field, but you cannot save data in the Money field.

    If the drop-down list does not contain the attribute you desire, you can add attribute types using the Statute Attribute Type code table.
    Duration, Money, Numeric, OR Text/Hyperlink

    Complete one of the following fields, as applicable to your selection in the Attribute field.

    If you selected an Attribute that has a "Boolean" MasterCode, you are not required to complete any other fields.
    • Duration: Type a length of time. For example, type "9mo" for "9 months."
    • Money: Type a currency value.
    • Numeric: Type a numeric value.

    • Text/Hyperlink: Type text or the address hyperlink that will take the user to the desired Web site.
    • A hyperlink address must include http:// or https:// and be in the format to link correctly.
    Notes This field may be completed regardless of which type of attribute has been selected. Type any related notes in this free-text field.
  8. Save the session.

Use the Copy Record button to copy a statute attribute to another statute or multiple statutes.

Statute Text Code Table

This code table allows you to append statute text to the statutes created in the Statute code table. For example, you could create a Statute Text Type of "Charging Language" and add any additional charging language to charges documented in JustWare. Or you could add a Statute Text Type of "Jury Language" and record the legislature's jury language, which will then be available for automated documents and reports.

You must first insert the statute in the Statute code table before appending statute text. (See "Statutes" for more information about the Statute code table.)

Creating Statute Text Codes

  1. In the Administrative Tools group of the Explorer toolbar, click System Administration.
  2. Select Code Tables | Statutes | Statute Text.
    The Statute Text code table will be displayed in the Statute Text snap-in.
  3. Add a new record.

  4. Select or type all required and relevant data for each available field. Some fields may be required while others are not.
    • Statute: To locate the statute, type search criteria and press Enter or click either search button. Statutes matching your search criteria will appear. Click the appropriate statute or refine your search criteria until you locate the correct statute. The statute will populate this field.
    • Statute Text Type: Select the statute text type from the list.
    • Statute Text: Type the statute text.
    • Notes: Type any related notes in this free-text field.
    • Activation Date: Type or select the date from which the code will be in use.
    • Expiration Date: Type or select the date upon which the code will become inactive.
  5. Save the session.

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