Every monetary transfer in the JustWare database is tagged with a Transfer Type code. The Transfer Type code table
allows you to define transfer types for each different type of monetary transfer.
Note: Payments/Allocations and Vouchers/Disbursements are only tagged with transfer type codes in the database,
not in the JustWare client. Therefore, you cannot have multiple Payment/Allocation or Voucher/Disbursement transfer types.
Finding the Transfer Type Code Table
In the Administrative Tools group of the Explorer toolbar,
click System Administration.
Select Code Tables | Financials | Transfer Type.
The Transfer Type code table is displayed in the ctblTransferType snap-in.
Tip: To access this code table through the Code Tables link in the
Administrative Tools group rather than the System Administration link in the
same group, click ctblTransferType.
Select or type all required and relevant data for each
available field. Some fields may be required while others are not.
Code: Type a brief, unique code used to reference the corresponding item description.
Description: Type a description that the user will view in the lists populated by this code table.
MasterCode: Select the correct code from among
the following options:
1-Payment/Allocation: All Payment and
Allocation transfers will be marked with this transfer type in
the database.
2-Voucher/Disbursement: All Voucher and
Disbursement transfers will be marked with this transfer type in
the database.
Caution: Do not create any additional type 1 or type 2
transfer types. Only the original transfer types will be used. You
may change the description of the original transfer types to
accurately describe your business processes.
Note: Type field becomes read only after save.
Notes: Type any related notes in this free-text
Activation Date: Type or select the date from which the code will be in use.
Expiration Date: Type or select the date upon which the code will become inactive.