In this article:
Financial reports give JustWare administrators and office accounting personnel very useful information related to financial obligations, financial transactions, and financial management.
The Account Lookup report allows you to search by a name ID or any combination of First, Middle, or Last Name. The search returns related name records with financial obligations and/or financial transactions. Hyperlinks are provided for both the matching name records and their associated financial obligations and transactions. Clicking on the financial hyperlinks reveals detailed account and transaction information within a user-specified date range, as well as additional hyperlinks to each transaction in JustWare.
The Bond Information report lists any information with regard to bonds within a specified date range. The results can be grouped by Type, Status, or Paid By. A date range must be entered before you click View Report.
The Deposit report provides users with a list of deposits that have been made during a specified time period. Deposit receipt numbers are displayed as hyperlinks to drill-through reports that show detailed receipts.
The Financial Accounts report allows accounting personnel to easily view summary information about all JustWare financial accounts and their current balance. Any accounts for an agency are listed with their account number, account type, account status, and account balance. Additionally, this report can be grouped by either Agency Name ranges or Account Balance ranges.
This report is filtered by the following multi-select parameters:
The General Ledger report displays information related to accounts. The report displays a summary of amounts Available, Unallocated, Vouchered and the Total Due at the top of each account type section for quick reference. All financial transfers are represented in the report. The report is broken into account types. Each account can be expanded to display the payments associated with it. As money moves in and out of the accounts, records are displayed representing the amount and type of transfer that has occurred. The report provides hyperlinks to drill-through reports for payment receipts. Allocations, vouchers and money transfers all register in the ledger.
The Owed Money Amount Details report is a helpful reference report allowing accounting personnel to more easily manage the issuing of vouchers for name records that have funds in an overpay account, are entitled to restitution, or are owed any other payment from your organization. The report provides hyperlinks to drill-through reports for payment receipts and account details. If this report is accessed from the Financial folder of the System Reports Session, a name ID must be typed before you click View Report.
When a payment is made and recorded in JustWare, the Payment Receipt report is generated, creating a receipt that can be printed and given to the person who made the payment. This receipt lists the date, type, and amount of the payment as well as the person who paid and the person who owed the money. The receipt for a Non-Case Payment has a different layout in that it eliminates some fields that do not apply to these type of payments. If this report is accessed from the Financial folder of the System Reports session, it is a helpful reference that displays the receipt from a previous payment. A receipt number must be typed before you click View Report.
Creating a Custom Receipt
Upload your custom report that will be your receipt to the Report Server at <JustWareName>/Financial/Custom. You may need to create the Custom folder as this is not a JustWare default. The reports must be named one of the following:
- Payment Receipt - This is for Case and Non-Case Payment receipts.
- Voucher Receipt - This is for Voucher receipts.
- Create a new Application Parameter to have JustWare use your new receipt. Your new parameter must be named one of the following:
- Custompaymentreceipt - This is for Case and Non-Case Payment receipts.
- Customvoucherreceipt - This is for Voucher receipts.
The Payment Received by User report allows personnel to quickly view payments that have been created during a specified time period. Payment receipt numbers are displayed as hyperlinks to drill-through reports that show detailed receipts.
The Payment Schedule Report searches and displays payment schedules for a specific individual. Results will show when next payment is due, balance owed, payment history, as well as a list of future scheduled payments. If this report is accessed from the Financial folder of the System Reports Session, a name ID must be typed before you click View Report.
The Payments report provides a list of recorded payments. The report defaults to the payments recorded by the current user. You can also run this report to review payments that have been recorded by another member or multiple members of your collecting agency. Grouping, sub-grouping and sorting options enable you to view the information in the format most convenient to your needs. Payment receipt numbers are displayed as hyperlinks to drill-through reports that show detailed receipts. A hyperlink to the name record is provided for the ease in finding a payment record and updating the Reference Number, Notes or Payment Status fields as necessary.
The Voucher Amount Details report displays information related to a voucher that has been issued. This information includes the name or entity issued the voucher, the voucher amount, the person paying the voucher amount, the original obligation and all related history (previous payments and vouchers). A voucher ID number must be typed before you click View Report.
The Voucher List report allows users to reference and review information related to all vouchers that have been issued within a specified date range. This report can be grouped in one of two ways:
A date range must be specified and a grouping option must be selected before you click View Report.
The Voucher Receipt report displays actual voucher receipts that have been generated. You must specify a voucher ID number range for the report. The voucher receipts displayed are those associated with the selected Collecting Agency. Use the Collecting Agency drop-down box to switch between agencies of which you are a member.
Creating a Custom Receipt
Upload your custom report that will be your receipt to the Report Server at <JustWareName>/Financial/Custom. You may need to create the Custom folder as this is not a JustWare default. The reports must be named one of the following:
- Payment Receipt - This is for Case and Non-Case Payment receipts.
- Voucher Receipt - This is for Voucher receipts.
- Create a new Application Parameter to have JustWare use your new receipt. Your new parameter must be named one of the following:
- Custompaymentreceipt - This is for Case and Non-Case Payment receipts.
- Customvoucherreceipt - This is for Voucher receipts.