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JustWare Docket Calendar

Docket Calendar is a function that enables you to view the Docket Calendar on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. Dates in the future and the past can be seen in a calendar similar to that of Microsoft Outlook. By double-clicking a specific Docket Instance from the daily, weekly or monthly viewing options, you can add information related to that Docket Instance. This includes events, involved people and case information.

Difference Between the Two Docket Calendars

There are two Docket Calendars, and while they may look the same, they have varying functionality and uses. One is found in the Docket Calendar utility, the other in the Docket Management utility.

Docket Calendar Docket Calendar in Docket Management
The Docket Calendar found in the Docket Calendar utility is a read-only Calendar. It does not allow you to move or delete Docket Instances. The one action you can make in this calendar is adding Docket Events into Docket Instances. This is accomplished by double-clicking a Docket Instance and adding the event. The Docket Calendar in the Docket Management utility gives you access to change Docket Instances. From this Docket Calendar you can click and drag Docket Instances to new times and dates. Doing this will change every Docket Event on that Docket Instance to the new time. Also, like the other Docket Calendar in the Docket Calendar utility, you can double-click a Docket Instance and add new Docket Events and view existing Docket Events on that Docket Instance.

View Options Available in Docket Calendar

After opening a Docket Event by clicking on it from the Docket Calendar, two views will become available: Docket Case Details and Docket Events. To select either of these views, click on the appropriate icon under the Views group of the Explorer Toolbar.

The Docket Case Details view provides event-specific information, as well as case-related information, through these snap-ins:

The Docket Events view provides information specific to the events through these snap-ins:

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