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Document Scanning

In this article:

The Document Scanning session utilizes TWAIN scanning functionality to regulate communication with name and case records in JustWare. This functionality allows you to quickly and easily scan, organize, and queue related single- and multi-page documents. Once documents are scanned, you can easily direct multiple documents to the filing cabinet of a single record or multiple records.

Important: Not all implementations of JustWare have the Document Scanning utility available, as this is an additional, paid service. Contact your JustWare Administrator to find out if your organization has purchased the Document Scanning utility. The ability to scan barcodes through a document scanner is also an additional, paid service.

Choosing a Scanner

  1. From the menu toolbar, click Tools | Settings | Document Scanner Settings.
  2. Choose the desired scanner from the drop-down list, and click Select.

Initiating a Scan

  1. In the Utilities group of the Explorer toolbar, click Document Scanning.
  2. In the Document Scanning snap-in, select a destination for the scan. You can add a scanned document to either a name record or a case record, but not both simultaneously.
    Move scan to a case record Move scan to a name record
    1. Search for a case by entering the search terms in the Case field and pressing Enter or clicking the Case Quick Search button in the field.
    2. Choose a case record from the list of search results.
    1. Search for a name by entering the search terms in the Name field and clicking either the Name Search button or the Name Quick Search button in the field.
    2. Choose a name record from the list of search results.

    Tip: With JustWare's document scanning function, a user with minimal access privileges could potentially scan multiple documents to a generic queue (e.g., a "Scanning Queue" name record) to be sorted later. A user with greater administrative access could then route the documents to the appropriate name and case filing cabinets using JustWare's Document Routing function.

    Note: Unless the Save when scan is complete option is selected below, specifying a destination for the scan is optional before the scan is made. The destination is not required until you save the scan to a name or case filing cabinet.

  3. The following default import settings can be defined before scanning:
    Setting Tip
    Document Type This is a required field. Select a document type from the drop-down list. Note: Each Document Type is related to a Document Lock Type and affects access privileges. Ask your JustWare Administrator for assistance in selecting the correct value.
    Document Status Select a document status from the drop-down list.

    This is a required field. Select a file format for the scan from the drop-down list provided.

    Note: The OCR PDF (.pdf) option creates a two-layer PDF to enable the recognition of typewritten or printed text separately from the image. The original scanned image comprises the lower layer, while the top layer is comprised of the recognizable text.

    Tip: If you are scanning a multi-page document with a document feeder, select a .tif or .pdf format.
    Agency Type Select an agency type from the drop-down list. The value selected in this field filters the available values in the Agency field.
    Agency Select the agency for which the scan is being done from the drop-down list.
    Date Type a date or select a date from the drop-down calendar.
    Populate Agency Number field with scanned barcode number

    With this check box selected, scanning a document with a barcode number inserts that number into the Agency Number field of the Imported Documents snap-in.


    • If a document with multiple barcodes is scanned, only the first barcode read will populate the Agency Number field.
    • A barcode of less than three characters, less than 10 parallel lines, or more than 50 characters will not be recorded.
    • Limit the barcode to a single row without wrapping.
    • The selected Agency Type may have a mask. If the scanned barcode does not match the format of the mask, the Agency Number field will not be populated.
    • To ensure that barcodes are read correctly, it is recommended that the scanner resolution be set to at least 300 DPI.
    • If a "Failure due to unknown cause" message appears when using this feature, check that the scanner is plugged in correctly, that the scanner is turned on, and that a document is available in the scanner's document feeder or on the flatbed.
    • Document barcode scanning is an additional, paid service, and may not be available in some implementations of JustWare. This part of the Initiating a Scan documentation will not be relevant to users who have not purchased this service.

    Deskew With this check box selected, a document that is skewed, or slanted, will be rotated automatically so that the alignment is corrected. With this check box not selected, the text and/or images will remain at an angle if the scan creates a slanted document.
    Note: If OCR PDF (.pdf) was selected for the file format, then the Deskew check box will be selected automatically.
    Save when scan is complete Since scanning long documents can be a lengthy process, users may choose to start a scan and leave while the scan is processing. With the Save when scan is complete check box selected, the scan automatically saves to the selected case or name record's filing cabinet upon scan completion.
  4. Select how the pages scanned will be interpreted by JustWare. The options listed below are only available for .tif and .pdf formats. If a multi-page document is scanned with any other selected format, each page is listed as a separate document.

    Note: If multiple documents with barcodes are scanned together as a single document, only the first barcode read will populate the Agency Number field.

    Option Tip
    Scan all pages into a single document Use this option to create a single document record row in the Imported Documents snap-in.
    Use blank page separators

    Use this option to recognize a blank, white page as a separator between several documents. Each document, regardless of length, is listed on its own record row in the Imported Documents snap-in.

    Tip: The outer one-third inch perimeter of the page is disregarded when determining if the page is "blank." For example, if a white piece of paper has nothing on it except for a thin border near the very edge of the page, the page is treated as a blank page separator.

    Scan every X page(s) as a separate document Use this option to set the number of pages that should be considered a single document. This option is helpful for scanning multiple documents that all have the same number of pages. For example, to separate a 32-page scan into eight documents of four pages each, set this option to Scan every 4 page(s) as a separate document. This will list eight document record rows in the Imported Documents snap-in.
  5. Click the Scan button to start scanning. A scan settings dialog box will open. Specify these settings and initiate the scan.

    Some scanners support the functionality to remember scan settings. If your scanner has this functionality, you can use a Shift + Click (or Shift + Enter) on the Scan button to bypass the scan settings dialog box and initiate another scan with the saved settings.
If you did not select the Save when scan is complete check box prior to the start of the scanning process, you can select your destination for saving after the scan is complete. See "Saving Scanned Documents to a Case or Name Filing Cabinet" for more information.

Setting Properties and Saving

Changing Properties of Scanned Documents

As documents are scanned in, they are displayed in Grid View in the Imported Documents snap-in with each document on its own row. You can sort by column and edit records.

Field Description
Selected Select the check box for each document you would like to send to the name or case record filing cabinet.

Tip: To select all of the rows in the snap-in, press Ctrl+A or click the Select All Rows button  . Select the check box in one of the rows, and a check mark will appear in all of the rows.

Document Type Allows you to choose from the drop-down list to change the document type of a scanned document.
Document Name As documents are scanned in, they are automatically named with the document type defined in the default import settings, e.g., Mugshot1.gif, Mugshot2.gif, etc. If you choose, the Document Name column allows you to change the name of a scanned document to something more descriptive before you save it to a filing cabinet.
Document Status Allows you to change the document status of a scanned document.
File Size Displays the file size of a scanned document. Note: When filtering by the File Size field, it is recommended to use a Custom Filter.
Copy to Related Cases When selected, this option allows you to copy the scanned document to all cases related to the selected case.
Note: This option is enabled when a case record is selected as the destination. If documents are not sent through the Web service, this option is disabled. This setting is handled through the Maintenance Console. Contact your JustWare Administrator for assistance.
Notes Allows you to add notes to a scanned document before it is saved to a case or name filing cabinet.
Filed By When a case record is selected, the drop-down list is populated with the case involved people. From the list, you can select who filed the document (e.g., police officer, attorney, etc.). Note: The Filed By field remains blank when sending a document to a name record.
Date This field may be automatically populated with a value from the Document Scanning snap-in. You may edit this field.
Agency Type This field may be automatically populated with a value from the Document Scanning snap-in. To edit this field, select an agency type from the drop-down list. The value selected in this field filters the available values in the Agency field.
Agency This field may be automatically populated with a value from the Document Scanning snap-in. To edit this field, select the agency for which the scan is being done from the drop-down list.
Agency Number

This field may be automatically populated with a scanned barcode number from the document. Use this field to specify a number to relate the document to the agency. Note: For this number to save to the database, an Agency Type must be specified.

Tip: This field may have a mask.

Saving Scanned Documents to a Case or Name Filing Cabinet

  1. If you have not already designated a name or case record destination for the scanned documents, do so now. T_User_InitiateScan.htm.
  2. In the Selected column, select the check box(es) of the document or documents you want to save to the chosen name or case record.

    Tip: To select all of the rows in the snap-in, press Ctrl+A or click the Select All Rows button  . Select the check box in one of the rows, and a check mark will appear in all of the rows.
  3. Save the session.
    The selected documents are saved to the appropriate filing cabinet and removed from the grid.

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