Select the type of financial obligation from the list. Note: Other
fields in the record may populate when you select a type because
administrators can assign field defaults that correspond to
specific obligation types. |
Total Amount
Type the total amount due in dollars. |
Pay By |
Select all of the individuals responsible
for paying the obligation. The drop-down list is automatically populated
with the Primary Involved Person on the case or on any related case, as
denoted in the Related Cases snap-in. |
Pay To
Select the name or organization that will receive funds paid on
the obligation, or type search criteria and click the Search button
to perform a name lookup.If the correct name does not appear in the
results of the name lookup, you can add a new name record to associate
by clicking New Name from the Actions group. Depending on your Default View Settings, either the new name record will open in the default name type view, or you will be prompted to select a Name Type to use in the creation of the new name record. Default View Settings are set in Tools | Settings in the Menu Toolbar. |
Pay To Account
Select the account that will receive the collected funds from
the list. Note: Only accounts owned by the individual
selected in the Pay To field will be
available. However, if you leave the Pay
To field blank, you can select any default
account associated with the collecting agency. Tip: If the Pay To Account field is
left blank, JustWare will generate a default account for the
individual selected in the Pay To field. |
Due Date
Type the date the amount is due or select the due date from the
drop-down calendar. |
Collecting Agency
This field is read-only. It will automatically populate with
your agency unless there is a default collecting agency associated
with the type of financial obligation you selected.
Note: If the financial
obligation being created will be paid to multiple collecting agencies,
a separate record will need to be created for each payment.
For example, on a particular case, there is a financial
obligation of $200 to the collecting agency of the Juvenile
Division and a $300 financial obligation to the collecting
agency of the Domestic Violence Division. All of the steps
listed here would need to be repeated to add the second
financial obligation.
Notes |
This is a free-text field. |
The remaining fields in the record row will be populated after the session is saved.