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The Menu Toolbar

JustWare's menu toolbar works much like the menu toolbars of other Windows programs. You can click a menu option or press its shortcut key (for example, Alt+F displays the File menu) to see a drop-down list of menu options that provide commands, another level of menus, or dialog boxes. Many menu options have shortcut keys, such as Ctrl+S for the File | Save option.


The File menu lists available actions for the current session.

ClosedClick for details.


The Reports menu allows you to view reports for the current session.

ClosedClick for details.


The Search menu allows you to choose a search method for finding and opening a name or case record.

ClosedClick for details.


The Tools menu lists the various utilities, tools, and settings you have access to in JustWare.

ClosedAccounting Tools

ClosedAdministrative Tools





A View is the format in which information is displayed within the current session. It determines which snap-ins are visible. Your organization and your personal permissions determine which views you can access. Each view is customized to cater to different roles in your office workflow. For example, data entry personnel need access to different information than supervisors or administrators.These views are also accessible from the Views group of the Explorer Toolbar.

Tip: Each view is numbered with a unique letter. You can choose a view by clicking on it or by pressing Alt + V + Letter of Desired View.


Use this menu to engage the help. The Help menu contains several helpful resources including online help, applicable JustWare manuals in PDF format, a link to the New Dawn Technologies Web site, and information about the current JustWare release.