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Name Search

The Name Search in JustWare is an advanced name search that returns results in an easy-to-use grid view.

The Name Search is equipped with a number of search parameters to help you refine your search. You can enter one or none of the parameters and still return results. This search also allows you to sort and filter your results to help you quickly find what you need.

Performing a Name Search

  1. Click Name Search in the Search group to open a new Name Search.
  2. Type your search criteria in any or all of the fields provided.
  3. Press F5 or click the Search button in the Actions group of the Explorer Toolbar.
    Results will appear in a grid.
    • If you want to refine your search, you can define more parameters in the Name Search snap-in at the top of the screen.
    • You can rearrange the columns to change what the search focuses on by clicking and dragging the desired column to the desired position.
    • You can also sort and filter your results by clicking the filter button .
      Tip: See "Filtering Data" for more information on filtering data.
  4. Navigate through the results by using the scroll bar or by using the move buttons above the results:
    • Next Record: Highlights the next record in the list.
    • Previous Record: Highlights the previous record in the list.
    • First Record : Highlights the first record in the list.
    • Last Record: Highlights the last record in the list.
    Tip: You can also navigate through the grid by using the arrow keys or the page up/down keys on your keyboard. You can also enter information into the search bar located at the top of the results to quickly navigate to the name you are looking for.
  5. Click the hyperlink of the desired name to open that name session.

Changing the Name Search Options

When performing a Name Search, you can change JustWare's method of finding matches.

  1. From the menu bar, click Tools | Settings | 'Name Search' Options.
  2. Select one of the following three options from the list:
    Option Description
    Exact Match Returns only exact matches of the search terms.
    Partial Match at End Returns only matches beginning with the search terms.
    Partial Match Anywhere Returns all matches that contain the search terms.