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Computer Issues

In this article:

My Computer Is Acting Strangely


My computer is acting strangely or giving me odd error messages.

Possible Cause

Your computer may need to be rebooted, especially if you receive an "out of memory" error message.


  1. Save any changes you have made in any open programs.
  2. Close all of your open programs.
  3. Shut down your computer.
  4. After your computer finishes shutting down, wait 30 seconds.
  5. Restart your computer.
  6. Open JustWare, and see if the problem still exists. If the problem still exists, contact your JustWare Administrator.


Problems Only on My Computer


I am having a problem on my computer, and no one else can duplicate the problem on their computer.

Possible Cause

There may be some settings on your computer that need to be cleared.


  1. Save any changes you have made to your currently open sessions.
  2. Close all of your open sessions, but do not close JustWare.
  3. From the Menu toolbar, select Tools | Options | Reset All User Settings.
  4. From the Menu toolbar, select Tools | Options | Clear Cached Sessions.
  5. From the Menu toolbar, select Tools | Options | Clear Cached Code Tables.
  6. Open the JustWare session that you were in when you noticed the problem, and see if the problem still exists. If the problem still exists, contact your JustWare Administrator.