You are here: User Help > The JustWare Case Session > Creating/Editing a Case Record > Discovery Packet Details Report

Discovery Packet Details Report

This report displays discovery packet contents and involvements, and can be used to easily see what files are included in a discovery packet, how big each file is, and when the packet was created. It can also be used to see the Document Involved Names for each packet. Involved names are used to track who has downloaded or received the discovery packet.

The Discovery Packet Details report can be seen by clicking on System Reports in the Utilities group.

The Discovery Packet Details report can be refined by the following search parameters:

Note: Each parameter limits what actions will be shown in the report. Specifying multiple parameters will help to narrow the scope of the report.

Parameter Description
Start Date/Time; End Date/Time Specify a date range for the report to display.
Note: The default is a one-month date range with the End Date defaulting to the current date.
Court # Use this field to filter the report by the court # associated with the packet.
Type Use this parameter to filter the document type of the discovery packet.
Compression Type Narrow the report by what compression type was used when the packet was created.
Packet Status Limit the number of records returned by specifying a packet status for the report.
Minimum Packet Size (KB) Select the minimum packet size that the report will display.