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Name Session Financials

In the name session you have the ability to take payments and allocate funds to financial obligations.

Related Topic Description
Payment Schedules Set up scheduled payments for name records that have outstanding balances on financial obligations.
Payments Record payments made for existing financial obligations or payments earmarked for a specific case record.

Payments may also be recorded using the Payments Accounting Tool. This tool utilizes a case search to enable you to record payments without searching for and opening a name record first.

Escrow Hold funds for future reallocation to a financial obligation or an overpay account. Only one escrow account can exist per name record per collecting agency.
Overpay Hold funds, typically from overpayments on financial obligations and/or funds released from bonds. These funds may be made available to voucher. Each collecting agency has only one overpay account.
Manual Allocations Allocate funds to financial obligations, an overpay account, or an escrow account associated with a name record.