In this article:
The Payment snap-in allows you to record payments for existing financial obligations or payments earmarked for a specific case record.
When financial obligations exist for a name record, payments that are made on the name record and are not allocated to escrow are automatically allocated by due date, then by priority, and then by percentage of the payment amount. If there are two obligations with the same due date and one obligation is on a payment schedule, the obligation on the payment schedule is allocated to first.
Receipts are generated for easy payment tracking.
Remember: Only financial records associated with the collecting agency to which you are currently logged on will appear in this header. Use the Collecting Agency drop-down box to switch between agencies of which you are a member.
Each field in the Payment snap-in header displays key pieces of information.
The Collecting Agency drop-down box allows the user to switch between agencies of which they are a member and accept payments on behalf of multiple agencies.
Remember: You will only be able to see the financial records associated with the agency selected in the Collecting Agency drop-down box.
Escrow and overpay accounts are similar account types. They are both used to hold funds, which can then be reallocated using the Manual Allocations snap-in. A major difference between the two account types is that you cannot voucher the funds from an escrow account. Escrow account funds must be reallocated to an overpay account before they can be vouchered. Non-monetary funds cannot be allocated to escrow or overpay.
An escrow account is specific to a name record. It is used to hold funds without immediately reallocating them to a financial obligation or an overpay account. For example, a payment is received for a speeding ticket, but this financial obligation has not yet been entered for the case. The payment can be allocated to an escrow account to hold the funds prior to their reallocation to the financial obligation.
Funds can be held in an escrow account for the name record until an obligation is entered and the funds are reallocated. Moreover, funds in escrow can be earmarked for a specific case record.
To allocate a payment to escrow, create a new payment record and select the Allocate To Escrow check box. In the Payment snap-in, you may select a case record from the drop-down list to earmark the funds to the specific case record. After the payment session is saved, an escrow account will automatically be created if one does not already exist for the name record.
Funds in the name record's escrow account may be reallocated using the Manual Allocations snap-in.
An overpay account is created for an agency. The agency uses the account to hold funds, typically from overpayments on financial obligations and/or funds released from bonds.
Note: Not all of the funds in overpay may be immediately available for vouchering. Check payments must have a "cleared" payment status, and bonds must have an "available to voucher" status type.
Funds in an overpay account may be reallocated to a financial obligation or an escrow account using the Manual Allocations snap-in. These funds can also be automatically allocated to financial obligations using a business rule.
Some payment types are specified as being non-monetary in the Payment Type code table so that certain obligations can be paid off with amounts such as community service hours or payments that are recorded but not actually received at the current location. They are handled the same as other payments with the following exceptions:
Payments may also be recorded using the Payments Accounting Tool. This tool utilizes a case search to enable you to record payments without searching for and opening a name record first. |
Caution: Payments that are created and saved cannot be deleted, only voided. A record row for a voided payment will continue to be displayed in the Payment snap-in.