You are here: User Help > The JustWare Case Session > Creating/Editing a Case Record > Charges


In this article:

Charges are a list of statutes associated with a specific case. These charges and their circumstances can be documented in JustWare in any case session, making it easy to reference useful information related to the charges of a case. There is also a convenient Search bar to easily locate a statute.

Note: Civil statutes can be entered in addition to criminal statutes.

Tip: Multiple counts of the same charge can be created using the Copy Record tool.

Creating a Charge Record

  1. Click the Charge snap-in in any open session.
  2. Add a new record.

    Tip: Your JustWare Administrator may have set statute codes with activation and expiration dates that are compared to dates relative to the charge-involved person. For example, the date the charge occurred may be a key factor in determining which statutes are applicable when you add a new charge. To ensure that you have the correct list of statutes, complete the Occurred field prior to selecting the Statute.

  3. In the Occurred field, type the date the offense occurred, or select the date from the drop-down calendar.
  4. Fill in the Statute field.

    Tip: You may be able to use an exact match statute search using the Tab key if an exact match is made to an existing statute in the database. This feature is set in the Application Parameters by your JustWare Administrator. The exact match may be set to the Statute Code, Statute Short Description, or the Charge ID. Consult your JustWare Administrator regarding this setting.
    Regardless of the Statute Search Exact Match Field setting in the Application Parameters, you can type in partial statute information and perform either a Statute Quick Search or a Statute Search.

    Once a statute has been inserted into the Statute field, it becomes a hyperlink. Click the hyperlink to view the statute details in a separate window.

  5. Select or type all required and relevant data for each available field. Some fields may be required while others are not.
    • Ended: This is an optional field. If an offense occurred over a period of time longer than a day, it is convenient to record the end date here. Type the end date, or select the date from the drop-down calendar.
    • Notes: Type any related notes in this free-text field.
    • Type: Select the charge type from the list.
    • Parent Charge: If there are multiple charges on the case, this field can be used to assign parent-child relationships between them.
    The following fields are read-only and are populated based on the statute selected:
    • Charge ID
    • Statute Severity
    • Statute Class
    • Statute Category
  6. Save the session.

Tip: You can use the Parent Charge field to track charge types, dispositions and enhancers/modifiers separately (per person). This allows the child charge to have different modifiers, involved people, etc. than the parent charge.

For example, consider a case in which two people are charged but only one of them has a prior out-of-state charge affecting the current charge. You can track their charges separately by making two charges on the case, one for the base charge and a second one for the out-of-state enhancer. In the second charge row, use the Parent Charge field to select the base charge as its parent, making it (the enhancer charge) a child of the base charge. Now make the person without prior charges an involved person on the base charge only. Make the person with the out-of-state prior charge an involved person on both the base charge and the enhancer charge. This allows the first person to have a disposition only for the base charge, and the second person to have a disposition for both the base charge and the enhancer charge separately.

Charge Related Snap-ins

Apart from the Charge snap-in, JustWare also provides a number of other snap-ins that are associated with charges.

Shows the Snap-ins related to the Charge snap-in.

Each of these snap-ins relate to the charge that is listed in the Charge snap-in. As with all snap-ins, these snap-ins contain information in a record format. To add information, simply add a new row and enter relevant information in the fields provided.

To help you understand the advantages of these snap-ins, a brief description of each is provided below.

ClosedCharge Attributes
ClosedCharge Agencies
ClosedCharge Involvements
ClosedCharge History