Name Obligations Session

The Name Obligations Session allows payable items to be tied to a Name Record. Any number of items can be tied to the record and a quantity for those items can be set. Within the snap-in an item can be marked as paid by assigning a payment type and changing it status to paid then saved. A PIN number is assigned to each Name Record which allows a Name Obligation to be found and paid for via a JusticeWeb instance.

Creating a Name Obligation Record

  1. Navigate to the Name Obligation Session by searching for a name record and then selection Name Obligations from your views.
  2. In the Name Obligations snap-in on the left side of the screen, add rows to represent the items being tied to a Name Record. For each row, select the correct item from the Item field and specify the quantity. The Price Per Unit is read-only and displays the price that is configured in the Non-Case Payment Items code table. The Subtotal will be calculated depending on the amount entered in the Quantity field.

    Field Description
    Item The description of the item the Name Record is obligated to pay for.
    Quantity The number of units of a specific item.
    Price Per Unit The cost per unit of an item.
    Subtotal The calculated total of this specific obligation based of the Price Per Unit and Quantity.
    Agency The agency collecting the obligation.
    Note Record any notes associated with this obligation.
    Status Set the status of an obligation. An Obligation can be marked as paid here.
    Payment Type Assign how the obligation was paid.
    Reference Number This field can be used to record check numbers or any other reference number your organization uses to identify transactions.

Paying Off a Name Obligation

  1. A Name Obligation can be mark as paid by assigning a payment type and changing the status to paid within JustWare.

    Additionally a JusticeWeb request can be configured to allow these items to be paid for via JusticeWeb utilizing the generated PIN and the last name.

    The PIN is auto generated in the right Name PIN snap-in and can be regenerated if needed.

  2. Click Save to save the payment which will then remove it form the Name Obligations snap-in and add it to the Payment History snap-in. To learn more about the Payment History snap-in, see Payment History.