You are here: Administrator Help > Code Tables > JDA Applications and Documents

JDA Applications and Documents

JDA applications and documents code tables allow administrators to configure and maintain JustWare Document Automation applications and documents.

Once you have created a template in JDA 2.0 and saved it to the JustWare database, you must map the template in JustWare in order to use it in the filing cabinet. Only templates that have been saved to the database may be mapped in JustWare. Mapping involves adding the template to the Document Type code table (click System Administration | Code Tables | JDA Applications and Documents | Documents).

Topics in this section:  

Code Table Description
Document Type Information on finding and using the Document Type code table.
Document Status Information on finding and using the Document Status code table.
Document Category Information on finding and using the Document Category code table.
Document Pricing Rules Information on setting up document pricing.
JDA Application Information on finding and using the JDA Application itself.
JDA 2 Templates Information on organizing JDA 2 template groups.